Monday, February 19, 2007

Since December we have not had any rain here. This may not sound like that big of a deal but you need to realize in Costa Rica during the rainy season we get around 2 feet of rain per month. This is a huge contrast to the dry season when for 3-4 months we will not get any rain at all. Since dry season began our yard has began to get cracks. They have grown deeper daily. The other day the girls were playing in the backyard and dropped a 20 colone coin (about 4 cents) in on of the cracks. IT dropped about 6-8 inches down and the girls were determined to get it back. Mckenzie was carrying small cups of water from the bathroom to dump on the crack and Kaitlyn was digging her heart out with a plastic sand shovel. They have not gotten it yet but each day they work a little bit more on it.

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