Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our church helped make it possible for our team in Guadalajara to have a prayer retreat for the weekend. It was such a blessing! We had a great time together and we all really bonded. We went to the mountains about 2 1/2 hours away. It was beautiful! It was also very cold! We had the fireplace going all weekend. A big change from our city! We came back very rested and relaxed. God really spoke to us during this time.


Anonymous said...

oh man, do i miss you guys! looks like a beautiful place. glad you all were able to get away. tell everyone hi for me!

Grannie Rains said...

I had lost contact with the Woody's I would love to get back to them. I am glad they are on your team. Can you give them my e-mail?
We are enjoying M and K and the boys on their state side. I am pray for your state side.
Bless you all!